5 things you should know about dementia
An informative booklet to get the facts and dispel the myths about dementia.
All about dementia
The information in this booklet is for anyone who wants to know more about dementia and the diseases that cause it. This includes people living with dementia, their carers, friends and families. The booklet gives an overview of Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy Bodies, vascular dementia and frontotemporal dementia. It covers what they are, typical symptoms, causes and diagnosis.
Ask us anything - how to start a conversation with someone living with dementia
Alzheimer’s Society’s research shows that many people are worried about ‘saying the wrong thing’ to people living with dementia. And despite almost all of us knowing someone affected, two-thirds of people living with dementia report feeling isolated and lonely. Everyone is being encouraged to take action by starting a conversation with someone living with dementia they know; whether it’s calling a relative with dementia or visiting a neighbour, it’s time to start talking.
Asking the same question over and over again (A4 poster)
Support us during Dementia Action Week (15-21 May 2023) by downloading and sharing our posters.
Asking the same question over and over again (A5 flyer)
Support us during Dementia Action Week (15-21 May 2023) by downloading and sharing our leaflets. If you or a loved one are experiencing memory loss, it could be a sign of dementia.
Brancaster dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Caring for someone with dementia - practical help and emotional support (booklet)
If you care for someone with dementia, this guide is for you. Everyone's experience of dementia is different. But being prepared can help you and the person you care for - now and in the future. In this guide you'll find information on what to expect as the condition progresses, practical things you can do, strategies that could help you cope in your caring role and where to turn for support.
Cromer dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia
Dementia - helping your brain to stay healthy (leaflet)
The NHS wants to help keep people healthy. This could lower their chances of getting dementia - symptoms caused by serious brain disease. Many people don't know that what they do every day can help keep a healthy brain. The good news is that it's never too late to act.
Dementia friendly Norfolk 2019 - a practical guide to living with dementia in Norfolk
If you are supporting someone with dementia, whether it’s Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia or any other type of dementia, this guide can help you to cope with day to day challenges, changes in relationships and finding care for people with dementia.
Dementia Friends: Hello, can you give me a little help? (man, A3)
By becoming a Dementia Friend, you can understand a bit more about Dementia and the little ways you can help.
Dementia Friends: Hello, can you give me a little help? (man, A4)
By becoming a Dementia Friend, you can understand a bit more about Dementia and the little ways you can help.
Dementia Friends: Hello, can you give me a little help? (woman, A3)
By becoming a Dementia Friend, you can understand a bit more about Dementia and the little ways you can help.
Dementia Friends: Hello, can you give me a little help? (woman, A4)
By becoming a Dementia Friend, you can understand a bit more about Dementia and the little ways you can help.
Dementia walks toolkit
This toolkit has been designed to help other local groups and organisations identify and map their own dementia friendly walk.
Dementia: your questions answered
This booklet gives responses to some common questions about Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. The information is for anyone who wants to know more about dementia.
Falls, exercise and dementia (slides)
Format: Screensavers / waiting room screen promotions
In over 65's, falls are the most frequent and serious accident. These slides provide information and advice on how to prevent falls in older people, and those with dementia.
Free NHS Health Check (dementia, large print)
This large print leaflet is intended to be given to participants in the NHS Health Check aged between 60 and 74. It explains the risk factors for some types of dementia and offers signposting to available support services.
Free NHS Health Check (Polish, dementia)
The NHS Health Check dementia leaflet has been developed to support the dementia information given to those who attend an NHS Health Check appointment.
Free NHS Health Check (Portuguese, dementia)
This leaflet explains the link between dementia and cardiovascular disease. In Portuguese.
Gorleston dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Great yarmouth dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Heacham dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Help beat dementia (register your interest in taking part in research)
By registering with Join Dementia Research, you can help take part in dementia research. Vital studies into early diagnosis, prevention and new treatments for dementia are taking place in the UK - but more volunteers are needed.
Hunstanton dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Living with dementia - large print
Being diagnosed with dementia can come as a shock. This factsheet explains more about the different types of dementia and the help available to you to support and maintain your independence. It also contains helpful information about dementia for your family and carers. This is a large print version.
Living with early-stage dementia - living well in the present and planning for the future
This guide explains what dementia is, and what kind of support is available for those living with it.
Norfolk Easy Ambles - pack of nine walks leaflets
This wallet pack contains nine 'Norfolk Easy Amble' leaflets. These are accessible walks suitable for people living with dementia.
North Walsham dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Problems with your memory?
This booklet provides information about diagnosing memory problems. It's for anyone who is worried about their own memory and thinking problems, or for people who want to know more about dementia and how it's diagnosed.
Questions about dementia (A3 poster)
This poster signposts to the Dementia Research Infoline. Someone can have their questions about dementia answered, and find out more about dementia research.
Reading well for dementia (leaflet)
Reading well for dementia recommends helpful reading for people living with dementia. The books provide reliable information, advice and support as well as personal stories.
Reducing your risk of dementia
Just as we can protect other areas of our health, we can take steps to keep our brains healthy and reduce our risk of developing dementia later in life. Research has shown that our health in our 30s, 40s, and 50s can have a particularly large impact on our dementia risk. However, it's never too late to start thinking about our brain health.
Sheringham dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Snettisham dementia walk (easy amble)
Walking is often seen as one of the most accessible forms of activity, and can be a significant therapeutic tool when supporting people living with dementia.
Supporting a person with dementia (easy read)
This Easy Read factsheet is for people with learning disabilities. It is about how you can support someone you know who has dementia to live well.
The dementia guide - living well after your diagnosis (booklet)
If you have recently been told you have dementia, this guide is for you. You may have any type of dementia, such as Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia or mixed dementia. You might have dementia with lewy bodies or a less common type such as frontotemporal dementia. This guide will give you a general overview of a range of topics.
Treatments for dementia
This information is for anyone who wants to know more about treatments currently available for dementia. This might include people with dementia, their carers, friends and family.
Walks for people with dementia and their carers to enjoy (A4 poster)
Norfolk Easy Ambles is a series of tailor-made dementia accessible walking leaflets that can help you make the most of going out for a walk.
What is Alzheimer's disease? (booklet)
Information in this booklet is for anyone who wants to know more about Alzheimer's Disease, including people living with Alzheimer's Disease, their carers, families and friends. This booklet gives an overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.
What is dementia with lewy bodies? (booklet)
This booklet provides information about dementia with Lewy bodies. It's for anyone who wants to know more about the condition, including people affected and their loved ones.
What is dementia? (a leaflet for minority ethnic communities)
This leaflet explains what dementia is, and how it impacts on black, Asian and minority ethnic communities.
What is dementia? (easy read)
This Easy Read factsheet is for people with learning disabilities. It is about what dementia is and how it affects people.
What is vascular dementia? (booklet)
This booklet is for anyone who wants to know more about vascular dementia, including people living with vascular dementia, their carers, families and friends. This booklet gives an overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.