Accidents and Safety
Babies can suffocate on nappy sacks
Nappy sacks can kill. At least 18 babies in the UK have already died. Making some simple changes can make a big difference to your children's safety.
Be bright and be seen this winter
Now that the clocks have gone back and it's getting darker earlier on, it's more important than ever to make sure that children can be seen when they are out and about, and near roads.
Don't be like the boy who didn't stop, look and listen
Find a safe place to cross, then stop, look and listen.
Fire safety in your home - a guide for householders (leaflet)
This leaflet is a guide for householders and provides important information and advice about staying safe in the home, and putting measures in place to prevent fires from happening. There is advice on all aspects of home safety and fire prevention, including - candles, smoke detectors, heaters and electrical safety.
Float to live (pocket guide)
If you found yourself struggling in the water unexpectedly, your instinct would tell you to swim hard. But cold water shock could make you gasp uncontrollably. Then you could breathe in water and drown. Instead, you should Float to Live.
Free - electric blanket testing (A4 poster)
Bring your electric blanket along for a FREE safety check at any of the events shown on this poster.
GOLD - guidance for the older driver (leaflet)
Are you comfortable driving in modern traffic? Still driving well? Lost confidence? Medical condition? The GOLD (guidance for the older driver) scheme can help and will come to you.
Height chart - helping your child to avoid accidents at home
A height chart with information on helping a child to avoid accidents at home. Also contains emergency first aid advice.
Help us help SHERMAN (A4 poster)
Smoker, Hoarder, Elderly, Reduced mobility, Mental health issues, Alcohol misuse, Needs care or support (SHERMAN), people who show these characteristics could, potentially, be more at risk of a fire; so it's very important to get them the help they need. Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service can provide free home fire safety advice and offer an in person home visit to those most at risk.
Help us help SHERMAN (flyer)
Smoker, Hoarder, Elderly, Reduced mobility, Mental health issues, Alcohol misuse, Needs care or support (SHERMAN), people who show these characteristics could, potentially, be more at risk of a fire; so it's very important to get them the help they need. Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service can provide free home fire safety advice and offer an in person home visit to those most at risk.
Home safety - how to spot risks and prevent accidents (leaflet)
Most of us spend a lot of time at home and we all want to feel safe there. You can keep yourself from harm by being aware of danger areas and unsafe habits.
In the driving seat - how to stay driving safely for longer
For many people, driving is about more than just getting from A to B. Driving gives you freedom and independence, so the thought of having to give it up can be very difficult. Getting older doesn't necessarily mean you have to stop driving and there's no legal age at which you have to stop.
Keeping children safe in clubs and activities (leaflet)
Advice on how to help keep children safe when using clubs and activities.
Keysafe - fast secure access in an emergency (postcard)
A keysafe enables fast secure access to your home in an emergency. Reducing delays to treatment and to avert forced entry if the emergency services are unable to enter the property. A police preferred key safe enables the emergency services to gain immediate access to help you if you are not able to get to the door after an incident.
Safe at home - tips for the over 65s (leaflet)
In the UK, people are living longer than ever before. In fact, by 2050, 1 in 4 of the UK population will be over 65. This is great news! Sadly however, the older we get, the more likely we are to have an accident. Luckily there are plenty of steps we can take to keep safe in our homes.
Safe at home - tips for under 5s (leaflet)
Accidents to children are a significant health issue, being a major cause of preventable death, serious injury and long-term disability across the UK. Under-5s are particularly at risk of being injured in home accidents, with falls accounting for the majority of non-fatal accidents and threats to breathing such as suffocation, strangulation and choking causing the highest number of deaths.
Scams guide (leaflet)
Scams affect the lives of millions of people across the UK. People who are scammed often experience shame and social isolation as a result. Friends Against Scams is a National Trading Standards initiative, which aims to protect and prevent people from becoming victims of scams by empowering people to take a stand against scams.
Sign up to neighbourhood watch in your local area (leaflet)
Norfolk Police are actively working with Neighbourhood Watch Schemes near you. The scheme is about getting people together with their neighbours to take action to reduce crime. They're community initiatives owned and run by their members which are supported by the police but not owned by them. You can join today by selecting from one of three options.
Staying safe - keeping yourself safe at home, out and about and online (booklet)
We all want to be safe, especially when we're in our own homes or going about our day-to-day lives. Unfortunately, as we get older we can feel a little less safe, due to mobility issues, illness or because we feel more vulnerable to crime and scammers.
Tales of the road: a highway code for young road users
A useful guide to keeping yourself and others safe on the road. Topics covered include pedestrian safety and the Green Cross Code, cycle safety, scooting, travelling in the car and on public transport, road signs and markings.
Water safety key messages (booklet)
This booklet is for anyone who wants to share safety messages for any activity. It's been designed to help give RNLI volunteers the knowledge and confidence to talk to members of the public or friends and family about water safety.
Window blind safety
What to look out for in new blinds and how to make existing blinds safer.