Baby and breastfeeding
A 3 minute guide to protecting your baby against meningitis and septicaemia
There is now a vaccine to help protect against meningococcal group B (MenB) disease. The vaccine is being offered in the routine immunisation programme in the UK.
A guide on COVID-19 vaccine for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding (leaflet)
COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. This leaflet is for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding on coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination and includes information on the autumn booster.
A guide to immunisation for babies up to 13 months of age (booklet)
This guide to the vaccinations a baby needs in their first year of life. It is suitable for all GP practices,early years, pre-school and nursery settings. Includes schedule from 2022.
A guide to your care in pregnancy and after your baby is born (A5 leaflet)
This booklet contains information on hepatitis B infection, screening and care in pregnancy and the vaccine which protects babies born to women with hepatitis B.
A healthy baby starts with a healthy pregnancy
If you look after yourself, you give your baby the best possible start in life. This poster promotes the Start 4 Life scheme and tells you how to sign up for regular e-mails or texts for advice and tips on a healthy pregnancy.
A quick guide to childhood immunisations for the parents of premature babies - for babies born on or after 1st January 2020
A leaflet for parents which describes the immunisations offered to premature babies.
Alexa, ask the Breastfeeding Friend how I get my baby to latch on? (A3 poster)
The key message in this campaign is "Here to help with breastfeeding, 24/7". Breastfeeding is great for a woman and her baby. But when a new mum is starting out, it’s perfectly normal to experience the odd setback. To get help someone can look for the Breastfeeding Friend from Start4Life in the Alexa Skills Store or on Facebook Messenger. To find out more, search Start4Life.
All's well that starts well (A4 poster)
A Start4Life poster containing a baby and mother morph. A healthy future is set up in your baby's first years.
Baby Buddy (A3 poster)
Baby buddy is a new app for parents and parents-to-be.
Breastfeeding can take time to get the hang of (A4 poster)
Breastfeeding is something that a mother and baby learn together, and getting the right support can help enable mums to breastfeed for longer. Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition a baby needs for the first six months and also helps build a strong emotional bond between a mum and her baby. Breast milk also helps boost a baby's ability to fight illness and infection by passing on the mother's immune defences.
Breastfeeding gives my baby the best start he deserves
Breastfeeding helps protect a baby against infections, eczema, asthma and diabetes. It also reduces a child's chances of getting colic and tummy upsets.
Breastfeeding: it's a healthy choice for both of us
This poster highlights the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby.
Bump to baby - a short guide to eating well during pregnancy and breastfeeding
This little guide, based on current government advice, covers the basics about eating well during pregnancy. The best people to give more detailed advice are GPS, midwives and dietitians.
Congratulations you've just had your baby - have you had your MMR vaccines? (leaflet)
This leaflet is for mums who have just given birth. The 2 doses of MMR vaccine will help protect them and their baby, until the baby is old enough to get vaccinated.
Folic acid - an essential ingredient for making healthy babies
This leaflet contains information about why a baby needs folic acids as well as how to take folic acid.
Guide to bottle feeding (booklet)
The Start for Life leaflet contains information about how to prepare infant formula and sterilise feeding equipment to minimise the risks to your baby.
Healthy Start - apply online (A4 poster)
If you're pregnant or have children under the age of 4, you could get help to buy food and milk.
Healthy Start - get vitamins (A4 poster)
If you're pregnant or have children under the age of 4, you could get help to buy food and milk. Apply online to get your prepaid card. You can then also use your prepaid card to collect Healthy Start vitamins, vitamin drops for babies and young children suitable from birth to 4 years old.
Healthy Start - need help applying? (A4 poster)
Need help applying for the Healthy Start scheme? If you're eligible, we can help you apply.
Healthy Start - you could get help (A4 poster)
Are you pregnant or have children under the age of 4? You could get help to buy food, milk and Healthy Start vitamins.
Healthy Start vitamins for children
For Pharmacies only! Healthy Start vitamins are now only available to order via PharmOutcomes but don’t forget to order posters and leaflets here.
Healthy Start vitamins for women
For Pharmacies only! Healthy Start vitamins are now only available to order via PharmOutcomes but don’t forget to order posters and leaflets here.
Help your baby move and play every day
This leaflet for parents, provides tips and ideas on how you can encourage your baby to move and be active every day.
Here to help with breastfeeding 24/7 (A4 poster)
Breastfeeding is great for a mother and her baby. But when starting out, it’s perfectly normal to experience the odd setback. For help and advice 24 hours a day, look for the Breastfeeding Friend from Start4Life in the Alexa Skills Store or on Facebook Messenger. To find out more, search Start4Life.
How do I wean safely? (A4 poster)
For all the answers to your weaning questions plus top tips and tasty recipes, search Start for Life.
Immunisation helps to protect your baby when they need it most
This poster highlights the importance of infant vaccination and keeping up to date with appointments.
Immunisations at one year of age - features the immunisation schedule from February 2022
A leaflet to remind you to get your child immunised at one year of age.
Important information for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
Having sex or planning to have sex in the future? This leaflet is for women with diabetes.
Is my baby ready for weaning? (A4 poster)
For all the answers to your weaning questions plus top tips and tasty recipes, search Start for Life.
It's just a routine check-up (A4 poster)
This campaign seeks to address the barriers that are deterring patients from accessing NHS services. The Maternity campaign phase reminds pregnant women about the importance of attending check-ups, contacting their midwife or maternity team when something doesn’t feel right, and reassures them the NHS is here to see them safely.
It's OK - I'm new to this too (A4 poster)
Breastfeeding is something that a mother and baby learn together, and getting the right support can help enable mums to breastfeed for longer. Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition a baby needs for the first six months and also helps build a strong emotional bond between a mum and her baby.
It's probably just normal (A4 poster)
This campaign seeks to address the barriers that are deterring patients from accessing NHS services. The Maternity campaign phase reminds pregnant women about the importance of attending check-ups, contacting their midwife or maternity team when something doesn’t feel right, and reassures them the NHS is here to see them safely.
Life doesn't have to stop just because I breastfeed
This poster highlights the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby.
NHS Healthy Start - helping young families on low incomes to access healthy food, milk and vitamins (leaflet)
If you're pregnant or have children under the age of 4, you can get payments every 4 weeks to spend on milk, food and Healthy Start vitamins. This includes cow's milk, fruit and vegetables, pulses, and infant formula milk. You can also get Healthy Start vitamins. Visit the website at for more information.
NHS newborn hearing screening screening programme - your baby's visit to the audiology clinic
Information for parents on a baby's visit to an audiology clinic following referral.
Off to the best start - a guide to help you start breastfeeding
This four page A5 leaflet provides parents with top tips on how to breastfeed and contains information about the 24/7 Breastfeeding Friend from Start for Life, available via Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Facebook Messenger.
Physical activity for early years (birth to 5 years)
An infographic flyer that shows how much physical activity babies and small children should be doing every day.
Protecting your baby against hepatitis B with the hepatitis B vaccine - leaflet
Information on hepatitis B infection, screening and care in pregnancy and the vaccine which protects babies born to women with hepatitis B.
Protecting your baby against meningitis and septicaemia caused by meningococcal B bacteria
There's now a vaccine to help protect against meningococcal group B (MenB) disease. The vaccine is being offered in the routine immunisation programme.
Safer sleep for babies - a guide for parents
The information in this booklet about safer sleep has saved many babies' lives. It is all backed by research that has shown how to reduce the chance of babies dying suddenly with no explanation (known as sudden infant death syndrome, SID or cot death). To reduce the chance of SIDS, families should follow this key advice for baby sleep.
Screening tests for you and your baby
A leaflet explaining the screening choices offered during and after pregnancy.
Skin to skin (A3)
This poster promotes the message of having skin to skin contact with your baby.
Skin to skin (A4)
This poster promotes the message of having skin to skin contact with your baby.
Smokefree baby - for pregnant smokers
Information about downloading a free test version of an app to keep a pregnant woman and her baby healthy.
Time to start solid foods? (wallchart)
The take-home wallchart is a resource for mums, parents and carers to use at home with helpful tips on weaning and a timeline to help with the process showing what might be happening at different stages between the ages of 6-12+ months.
Tiny Tums - a short guide to healthy eating for the one to fives
What your little one eats plays an important part in keeping him or her happy, healthy and growing and developing properly.
Using paracetamol to prevent and treat fever after MenB vaccination
The advice on the use of paracetamol following MenB vaccination differs to previous advice on the use of paracetamol for post-vaccination fever which may still appear on infant paracetamol product packaging.
Using the new UK WHO 0-4 growth charts
This booklet provides information for healthcare professionals about the use and interpretation of growth charts.
Vitamin supplements and you
This leaflet explains the recommendations for vitamin supplements for women who are planning to get pregnant, pregnant, breastfeeding women and babies and young children.
What should my baby be eating? (A4 poster)
For all the answers to your weaning questions plus top tips and tasty recipes search Start for Life.
What to expect after vaccinations (flyer)
This leaflet tells you about the common side effects of vaccinations that might occur in babies and young children up to five years of age.
Whooping cough and pregnancy (leaflet)
The leaflet provides in-depth information on: why the vaccine is needed, how maternal pertussis vaccination helps to protect babies from whooping cough, when expectant mothers can have the vaccine and why this vaccine is so important.
Why is breastfeeding best for my baby and me?
This poster highlights the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby.