
A practical guide to healthy caring

Format: Booklet A4

The advice in this booklet will help someone who looks after a friend or family member or have any form of caring responsibilities, but it is written to be particularly relevant for those who are about 65 years or older and are new to caring.

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Maximum Order: 10

Are you a young person looking after someone in your family? (flyer)

Format: Flyer A5

If you are a young person looking after someone in your family, then support is available for you and your family.

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Are you looking after someone? Get your free Carers Identity Passport (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

The Carers Identity Passport has been co-produced with Carers and staff across the Integrated Health and Care System to ensure unpaid Carers are identified and recognised in hospital settings. The Carers Identity Passport is for all age Carers, including Young Carers and Parent Carers, in Norfolk and Waveney.

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Maximum Order: 50

Can you help a fellow worker to be there for somebody? (employers pack)

Format: Booklet A4

This is an employer's guide to helping Norfolk's hidden carers.

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Care and support in Norfolk (A4 factsheet)

Format: Factsheet A4

A carer’s assessment will give you the chance to discuss how caring affects your life and find out about support services, emergency help, breaks and financial help to support your wellbeing and help you continue caring.

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Careline community service (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

Supporting you to live safely and independently in your own home through our 24/7 personal alarm service, providing reassurance to you, your family and friends. We support thousands of people across Norfolk and parts of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk and Lincolnshire, to remain living independently in their own home. Our service provides you with peace of mind that help is just the touch of a button away.

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Maximum Order: 20

Carers Matter Norfolk (generic A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

This poster promotes all the services that Carers Matter Norfolk provides. It offers support for anyone in Norfolk who is an 'unpaid carer', looking after a family member or friend.

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Caring for someone - how to get the support you need (booklet)

Format: Booklet A5

This guide explains your rights and the benefits, services and support that may be available to help you look after someone else.

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Chris made it further than ever before (leaflet)

Format: Flyer A5

The Department of Health and Social Care’s ‘Made With Care’ recruitment campaign will run continuously until March 2022, to encourage people to pursue a rewarding career in adult social care. Created to support care providers in recruiting the dedicated staff they need, this campaign shows the amazing work that care workers do, celebrates the way they empower the people they care for and shines a light on the emotional rewards of the role.

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Collecting a prescription for someone? Are you a carer? (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

If you are looking after a family member or friend, CMN offer a range of support for you and the person you care for. This poster is for the use of Pharmacies only.

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Do you look after someone? You have the right to feel safe (leaflet)

Format: Custom size

If you are worried that the person who you look after may harm you, or you may harm them, getting support early can help keep you safe. It is really important that when supporting carers and those they care for, that they have access to timely advice, information & support, including robust assessments and care and support planning.

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Eva alarm user guide

Format: Booklet A5

The Careline Eva alarm offers peace of mind and reassurance round-the-clock. Worn around the neck, our pendant is comfortable and discreet. By the touch of a button, our call monitoring centre can contact family, friends or the emergency services if needed, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Maximum Order: 5

Finding the right care (leaflet)

Format: Booklet DL

Let us find care for you. Our specialist service comes at no cost to individuals or families. If you’re looking for self-funded care options, whether in a nursing home or help staying independent at home, we’re here to find the right care for you.

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Five ways you can make a big difference to young carers (A5 leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

Young carers say they feel invisible and often in distress, with up to 40% reporting mental health problems arising from their experience of caring. This leaflet provides some important tips on how you could make a difference to a young carer.

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Maximum Order: 30

Flu vaccination guidance for Personal Assistants (PAs)

Format: Booklet A5

This information is for Personal Assistants (PAs) and employers of PAs. It gives details on the benefits of receiving the free NHS flu vaccine and information about how PAs can access it.

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Flu vaccination guidance for social care workers and carers (booklet)

Format: Booklet A5

This information is for social care workers and carers. It gives details on the benefits of the flu vaccination and options for accessing it. Those who should receive a flu vaccination include all social care workers and some carers working directly with people clinically vulnerable to flu.

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Free independent and confidential support for young carers and their families (leaflet)

Format: Booklet DL

Is there a child or young person looking after someone in your family who, because of illness, disability, mental ill health or an addiction, cannot manage their support? If so, Carers Matter Norfolk is here to help, offering tailored support for the whole family: addressing the practical and emotional needs of the young carer, the person they are caring for and other family members.

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Maximum Order: 20

GO personal alarm guide

Format: Booklet A5

The GO alarm offers peace of mind and reassurance on the go. The GPS device allows the user to call for help with the touch of a button. Whether you are walking your dog or shopping with friends, the GO helps to keep you safe and independent.

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I can be applying mum's dressing one minute and collecting her presciption the next (postcard)

Format: Postcard

There are an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk. The 'Think Carers' campaign ensures that those people who are looking after a family member, friend or loved one are getting the help and support they need.

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Maximum Order: 5

I can be applying mum's dressing one minute and collecting her prescription the next (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

There are an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk. The 'Think Carers' campaign ensures that those people who are looking after a family member, friend or loved one are getting the help and support they need.

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I cook my dad's breakfast every morning and prepare his dinner too (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

There are an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk. The 'Think Carers' campaign ensures that those people who are looking after a family member, friend or loved one are getting the help and support they need.

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I help my Dad to remember - I am a carer (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

There are an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk. The 'Think Carers' campaign ensures that those people who are looking after a family member, friend or loved one are getting the help and support they need.

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I help my dad to remember - I am a carer (postcard)

Format: Booklet A4

There are an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk. The 'Think Carers' campaign ensures that those people who are looking after a family member, friend or loved one are getting the help and support they need.

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Maximum Order: 5

I look after my Mum before school - I am a carer (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

There are an estimated 100,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk. The 'Think Carers' campaign ensures that those people who are looking after a family member, friend or loved one are getting the help and support they need.

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If you look after someone, who looks after you? (tattoo)

Format: Postcard

Carers Direct is a free, national service. It offers information, advice and support for people who care for someone else. This postcard promotes the phone number and website for the service.

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Maximum Order: 50

In my place - carers emergency service

Format: Custom size

If you're caring for someone over the age of 18 it's important you get a carer's emergency card. This will ensure that that person will be safe if you're caught up in an emergency.

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Join us at the Tulip Cafe (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

An open event for people with a life-limiting illness, and their family or friends, to enjoy companionship, friendship and meeting with others.

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Keysafe - fast secure access in an emergency (postcard)

Format: Postcard

A keysafe enables fast secure access to your home in an emergency. Reducing delays to treatment and to avert forced entry if the emergency services are unable to enter the property. A police preferred key safe enables the emergency services to gain immediate access to help you if you are not able to get to the door after an incident.

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Looking after someone - information and support for carers in England

Format: Booklet A5

Looking after someone is a guide for anyone caring for family or friends. The guide outlines your rights as a carer and gives an overview of the practical and financial support available.

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Looking for information on care and support? (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

This poster promotes the Care Choices comprehensive guide to choosing and paying for adult care and support.

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Mobility aids service in Norfolk (leaflet)

Format: Booklet DL

For someone having mobility problems, the right equipment can mean the difference between maintaining an active life and being isolated at home. The British Red Cross mobility aids short-term loan service helps thousands of people every year.

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No one knows just how much a break would help us both (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

Unpaid carers may not know who to turn to for support and information. To make sure they are recognised and supported, it's vital we're putting carers on the map.

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No-one gets why my homework's sometimes late (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

Unpaid carers can feel invisible to even the people closest to them. To make sure they are recognised and supported it's vital we're putting carers on the map.

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No-one understands when I need to take time out to care for dad (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

Unpaid carers often provide a life-line for those they care for. To make sure they are recognised and supported it's vital we're putting carers on the map.

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Norfolk & Waveney Community Support (A5 flyer)

Format: Flyer A5

Short term, practical support for patients being discharged from hospital on Pathway 0 to help them return to the community safely, and people in the community who need help with temporary issues to help them stay safe at home.

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Norfolk - your guide to care and support for adults 2022/23 (large print)

Format: Booklet A4

The essential guide to choosing and paying for care and support. In large print.

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Norfolk - your guide to care and support for adults 2024/25 (booklet)

Format: Booklet A4

This comprehensive guide to adult social care in Norfolk provides you with information covering falls prevention, safety in the home, accessing help, and much more. It also provides support for carers, details of local useful contacts and comprehensive listings of care homes, nursing homes and home care services across Norfolk, including: East Norfolk, South Norfolk, West Norfolk, North Norfolk and Norwich.

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Norfolk First Response (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

Norfolk First Response (NFR) is part of Adult Social Services at Norfolk County Council. NFR has three teams across Norfolk, helping to improve people's independence so they can return home, or remain at home for as long as possible.

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Norfolk Swift Response (factsheet)

Format: Factsheet A4

Norfolk Swift Response is a free 24-hour service you can call if you have an urgent, unplanned need at home but don’t need the emergency services. If, for example, your partner or carer is suddenly admitted to hospital, the Swift Response team can assist you with getting up, washing and dressing.

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Supporting unpaid carers (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

Helping you get the support you need. If you are one of more than 80,000 unpaid carers in Norfolk, Carers Matter Norfolk is here to support you.

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Maximum Order: 20

The Tulip Centre (A4 poster)

Format: Booklet A4

Are you living with, or caring for, someone with a life-limiting illness? Would you like more information on living your life to the fullest? The Tulip Centre at the Norfolk Hospice can help you!

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The Tulip Centre (A5 booklet)

Format: Booklet A5

Are you living with, or caring for, someone with a life limiting illness? Would you like more information on living your life to the fullest? The Tulip Centre can help!

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The Tulip Centre (postcard)

Format: Postcard

Are you living with, or caring for, someone with a life limiting illness? Would you like more information on living your life to the fullest? The Tulip Centre can help!

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Urgent unplanned care needs? Fallen but unhurt? Call Norfolk Swift Response (postcard)

Format: Postcard

This 24-hour service provides help, support and reassurance if someone has an urgent, unplanned need at home but don’t need the emergency services.

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Vibby fall detector (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

Supporting you to live safely and independently in your own home. The Careline community service provides a personal installation service of personal alarms, key safes and other products for those living in certain parts of Norfolk.

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Vibby falls pendant (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

The Vibby falls pendant is an easy to wear pendant with falls detection technology. If a hard fall is detected or if you press the pendant, a call will be made to our 24/7 monitoring centre through your Careline alarm unit.

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Maximum Order: 5

When am I going home? - information for carers (leaflet)

Format: Booklet A5

Once people have had the care they need in hospital, research shows that going home will help them get better much faster.

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Young Carers and Families Service 2024-2027 (factsheet)

Format: Factsheet A4

Norfolk County Council has awarded a three-year contract for our young carers and families service to Voluntary Norfolk, who will work in partnership with the Benjamin Foundation under the name of Young Carers Matter Norfolk. Together they will continue to make sure young carers get the support they need so that they are able to flourish, including when inappropriate or excessive caring is identified.

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Young carers needs assessments - your guide

Format: Booklet A5

Helping young carers, young adult carers and their families in Norfolk. Up to 12,000 children and young people in Norfolk are carers. They help look after a family member or friend who is ill, disabled, or misuses drugs or alcohol.

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Young carers needs assessments - your guide (A4 poster)

Format: Poster A4

Helping young carers, young adult carers and their families in Norfolk. Up to 12,000 children and young people in Norfolk are carers. They help look after a family member or friend who is ill, disabled, or misuses drugs or alcohol.

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