Women's health
1 in 3 women who get breast cancer are over 70 (Rani Atma)
An A4 poster featuring campaign case study and cancer survivor, Rani Atma.
1 in 3 women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don't assume you're past it (A4 poster - Margaret Underwood)
A poster featuring campaign case study and cancer survivor, Margaret Underwood. The Be Clear on Cancer (breast cancer) campaign is aimed at women over 70.
Alexa, ask the Breastfeeding Friend how I get my baby to latch on? (A3 poster)
The key message in this campaign is "Here to help with breastfeeding, 24/7". Breastfeeding is great for a woman and her baby. But when a new mum is starting out, it’s perfectly normal to experience the odd setback. To get help someone can look for the Breastfeeding Friend from Start4Life in the Alexa Skills Store or on Facebook Messenger. To find out more, search Start4Life.
Baby Buddy (A3 poster)
Baby buddy is a new app for parents and parents-to-be.
Be clear on cancer - breast cancer (symptoms card)
A symptom card to support the Be Clear on Cancer campaign for women over 70.
Being active is important whilst going through the menopause (leaflet)
This patient information leaflet contains a summary of key information and practical tips on physical activity for people going through the menopause.
Brain fog and memory difficulties in menopause (leaflet)
The theme for World Menopause Day 2022 is Cognition and Mood. This leaflet looks at menopause brain fog which is a group of symptoms that happen around the time of the menopause, including difficulty remembering words and numbers, disruptions in daily life, trouble concentrating, difficulty switching between tasks, forgetting the reason for doing something and forgetting appointments.
Breast cancer - the key facts
This short booklet looks at what breast cancer is, what can cause it, early detection and breast awareness.
Bump to baby - a short guide to eating well during pregnancy and breastfeeding
This little guide, based on current government advice, covers the basics about eating well during pregnancy. The best people to give more detailed advice are GPS, midwives and dietitians.
Cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts (A3 poster)
An A4 poster to target all eligible women aged 25 – 64 in the new cervical screening campaign.
Cervical screening can stop cancer before it starts (card)
A wallet sized concertina information card about the importance of having cervical screening. Sections include: What is cervical screening? Do I need a screening? What will happen during my appointment? Tips to make you more comfortable How do I book my screening?
Congratulations you've just had your baby - have you had your MMR vaccines? (leaflet)
This leaflet is for mums who have just given birth. The 2 doses of MMR vaccine will help protect them and their baby, until the baby is old enough to get vaccinated.
Feeling bloated, most days, for 3 weeks could be a sign of ovarian cancer (Dr Barbara Barrie)
This poster encourages women with persistent bloating to see their doctor in case it is a symptom of ovarian cancer.
Folic acid - an essential ingredient for making healthy babies
This leaflet contains information about why a baby needs folic acids as well as how to take folic acid.
Go folic!
Doctors recommend that any woman who might get pregnant should take a daily vitamin tablet containing folic acid.
Go folic! (postcard)
Go Folic is a campaign to increase women's awareness of the importance of taking folic acid supplements before getting pregnant.
Go folic! (poster)
This poster highlights the health messages that are being promoted as part of to Go Folic campaign.
I'm doing it for me - don't ignore your cervical screening invite (A4 poster)
Launching on 14th February 2022, The Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening campaign will encourage those eligible for screening - women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 - to respond to their cervical screening invitation letter, and to book an appointment with their GP practice if they missed their last screening.
I'm doing it for our future - don't ignore your cervical screening invite (A4 poster)
Launching on 14th February 2022, The Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening campaign will encourage those eligible for screening - women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 - to respond to their cervical screening invitation letter, and to book an appointment with their GP practice if they missed their last screening.
I'm doing it for peace of mind - don't ignore your cervical screening invite (A4 poster)
Launching on 14th February 2022, The Help Us Help You – Cervical Screening campaign will encourage those eligible for screening - women and people with a cervix aged 25-64 - to respond to their cervical screening invitation letter, and to book an appointment with their GP practice if they missed their last screening.
If you could get pregnant, act now to protect against rubella (flyer)
A flyer for women in general but especially those planning pregnancy or already expecting, on protection against rubella (German measles).
Important information for women with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
Having sex or planning to have sex in the future? This leaflet is for women with diabetes.
Know your breasts (A3 poster)
This A3 poster illustrates the signs and symptoms of breast cancer to be aware of, and highlights the message that any new change should be reported to your GP. A breast change could be a sign of cancer, but get any changes checked as soon as you can.
Know your breasts (A4 poster)
This A4 poster illustrates the signs and symptoms of breast cancer to be aware of, and highlights the message that any new change should be reported to your GP.
Leave lead out of your tap water
When water leaves the treatment works, it's lead free. But lead can end up in your tap water if it's left standing in old lead pipework around the home. This factsheet tells you how to check for lead and what to do if you find it.
Let's talk menopause
Most women go through the menopause at some stage in their working life. It's a natural transition in life, but remains a taboo subject that’s stopping many women from reaching their full potential at work. You can help break through the stigma by displaying these posters and leaflets in your workplace.
Let's talk menopause (A4 poster)
Most women go through the menopause at some stage in their working life. It's a natural transition in life, but remains a taboo subject that’s stopping many women from reaching their full potential at work. You can help break through the stigma by displaying these posters and leaflets in your workplace.
Let's talk menopause - do's and don'ts (A4 poster)
Most women go through the menopause at some stage in their working life. It's a natural transition in life, but remains a taboo subject that’s stopping many women from reaching their full potential at work. You can help break through the stigma by displaying these posters and leaflets in your workplace.
NHS breast screening programme - 71 or over?
This leaflet is about NHS breast screening for women aged 71 or over.
NHS cervical screening - helping you decide
This leaflet is sent to all women invited for NHS cervical screening.
Norwich Breast Screening Service (A4 poster)
Breast screening is fast, free and can detect cancer early. If you’re 50 – 71 and registered with a GP surgery, you will automatically receive an invitation for breast screening every three years. Following the delays caused by the Covid pandemic many women will be called up to 12 months early, in order to get back into line with pre-covid screening. If this happens to you do not worry, it is not a mistake. If you are over 71-years-old, you can self-refer and still attend once every three years for as long as you would like. There is no upper age limit for screening.
Open the box (leaflet)
Details of a free 10 week course available to women affected by domestic abuse. It will help women to understand and recover from the impact of domestic abuse.
Over 70? You can still have breast screening if you choose
Breast screening is a way of detecting breast cancer, often at a very early stage. It involves X-rays called mammograms. This leaflet tells you more about breast screening if you are over 70 and what you are entitled to.
Pandora Project (poster)
Pandora Project offers advice, support and information to adults and children affected by domestic abuse. Abuse can be current or historic. We offer a confidential and non-judgemental support service.
Pandora Project - women (leaflet)
Pandora Project provides free support, advice, information and support to women and children suffering domestic abuse in West Norfolk and coastal North Norfolk.
Physical activity for women after childbirth (birth to 12 months)
An infographic flyer that shows how much physical activity women should aim for after childbirth.
Pregnant? These vaccines help to protect you, your baby and your pregnancy (leaflet)
This leaflet describes the free vaccinations that help to protect you, your pregnancy and your newborn baby from the complications of infection. It covers information on the flu (influenza), whooping cough (pertussis) and german measles (rubella) vaccines.
Reduce the cost of your hormone replacement therapy - HRT - woman (leaflet)
An HRT Prescription Prepayment Certificate (HRT PPC) could save you money if you pay more than two HRT prescription charges within 12 months. The HRT PPC covers an unlimited number of listed HRT medicines for a year for a one-off charge, equivalent to two single prescription charges.
Scratch here to see if your pipes are lead
When water leaves the treatment works, it's lead free. But lead can end up in your tap water if it's left standing in old lead pipework around the home. This scratchcard tells you how to check for lead and what to do if you find it.
Sexual health guide for lesbian and bisexual women living in Norfolk
A sexual health guide for lesbian and bisexual women living in Norfolk. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe experiences.
Spot breast cancer early
Whether you've heard about it from a friend or family member, seen it in the news, or are just curious: if you want to know more about spotting the signs of breast cancer, this leaflet is for you.
Spot cervical cancer early (leaflet)
If you want to know more about spotting the signs of cervical cancer, this leaflet is for you.
Talking got me through (woman)
There are many reasons why someone might want space to talk. The Samaritans are available any time, round the clock, every single day of the year.
The importance of checking (leaflet)
Knowing your chest could save your life. Everyone has breast tissue - young, old, guys, gals and non-binary pals! Whatever you call your breast tissue - boobs, pecs, breasts or chest, this leaflet tells you how to check yourself.
To test, or not to test? That is the question
A cervical screening guide for lesbian and bisexual women in Norfolk and Waveney.
Understanding menopause (booklet)
Your essential guide to navigating menopause successfully. Menopause will directly affect approximately half the world's population. If that includes you, we have written this booklet to help you understand more about it and to enable you to make informed choices about how to manage your menopause.
World Menopause Day 2023 - cardiovascular disease (leaflet)
The theme for World Menopause Day is Cardiovascular Disease. Breast cancer is often believed to be the number one cause of death and disability in women. In reality, it is cardiovascular disease. The number of cases of cardiovascular disease is high....and continuing to rise. By understanding more about the causes and impacts of cardiovascular disease, you can take steps to reduce your risk.
Worried about the symptoms of ovarian cancer? (leaflet)
Our symptoms leaflet covers the symptoms of ovarian cancer, what to do if you think you might have symptoms, what tests GPs use to diagnose ovarian cancer and how we can support you.
You were right, my cervical screening was nothing to worry about (A4 poster)
An A4 poster to target all eligible women aged 25 – 64 in the new cervical screening campaign.