Gentle home exercises while you wait (booklet)

Series : While You Wait

Published : July 2022
Page Length : 20
Format : Booklet A5
Supplier : N/A
Publisher : NHS Norfolk and Waveney

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many people are waiting longer than usual for their operations or other procedures. NHS Norfolk and Waveney (the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System, or ICS) is determined to help people receive their treatments as quickly as possible whichever hospital they are under. However, sometimes by the time a person is called for their procedure it cannot go ahead because their medical fitness has got worse, or if a long-term condition has not been under control in the months before the procedure. This can be devastating for the person concerned. To help support people waiting for a hospital appointment, operation or treatment, we have developed While You Wait portal on the Norfolk and Waveney ICS website while you wait for your procedure. Taking gentle exercise can help you to maintain good physical and mental health. This booklet contains a selection of gentle exercises that can be done at home while you wait for your procedure.

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