Living longer, living well - The 5th Norfolk Older People's Strategy

Series : Norfolk Older People's Strategic Partnership

Published : December 2018
Page Length : 16
Format : Booklet A4
Supplier : N/A
Publisher : Norfolk Older People's Strategic Partnership (NOPSP)

This new strategy has been created to ensure that the issues of key importance to Norfolk's growing population of older people are kept to the forefront as the new shape of health and care emerges in our county. The six key objectives in this strategy were selected by older people as those of most importance to them. The next 3 years will be a critical period of change. We may expect to see the integration of Health and Social Care services, changes to the purchaser/provider split, the continuing effect of a decade of austerity, a Green Paper, and the real impacts of leaving the EU.


Living longer living well 2019-2021.pdf

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