We're here to help you stay well this winter (A5 leaflet)
Series : Stay Well This Winter
Published : October 2024Page Length : 14
Format : Booklet A5
Supplier : N/A
Publisher : Public Health England
Some important information from the NHS to help you stay well this winter. Winter conditions can be bad for our health, aggravating any existing health problems, increasing the risk of a fall, and making us more vulnerable to respiratory winter illnesses. People aged 65 or older, and people with long-term conditions such as heart or kidney disease, COPD (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis), asthma or diabetes are at high risk. Being cold can also cause your blood pressure to rise, potentially increasing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. But there are lots of things you can do to stay well this Winter. This leaflet provides advice on how to stay well this winter including: How to avoid passing on flu and COVID-19 to others, Treatments for COVID-19, Keeping yourself and your home warm, Check for safety concerns around your home, Seeking financial support, Keep active, Mental health support, Check you medicine cabinet, Hand washing, Prescriptions and Look out for other people.