Winter wrapped up - a guide to keeping warm and well this winter

Series : Winter health / older people

Published : September 2022
Page Length : 38
Format : Booklet A5
Supplier : N/A
Publisher : Age UK (formerly Age Concern and Help The Aged)

It can be nice to dig out a favourite coat,or settle down in front of the TV when it’s dark outside. But winter can be a tough time, too. Cold weather can lead to worries about our health and energy bills, especially as we get older. Shorter days and longer nights can leave us feeling out of sorts, too. This guide explains what you can do to get you and your home ready for winter,and points you in the right direction if there’s a problem. We all know when winter’s on the way. But with increasingly unpredictable weather, it’s important to think about getting things ready for the colder months in advance.

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